An issue with embedding in Qt, an external window
Another very specific issue that I encountered while working on tooling for White Rabbit Engine. This one cost me three evenings to figure out :( For a while in the tooling, we are using a multi-process approach: Hub (Qt application) <-> Client (Qt application) Hub is the main process using QT. Inside it, we have QMainWindow to which we embed the client window. The code to do that is very simple: auto clientWindow = QWindow::fromWinId(clientWindowsId); auto widget = QWidget::createWindowContainer( clientWindow , this); setCenterWidget(widget); You can find this example almost everywhere. The problem I encountered was that my client window had keyboard input only once when a window was created. If I lost focus nothing related to the keyboard worked. Neither shortcuts, neither textboxes, nothing. While investigating I noticed that QWidget::createWindowContainer internally created QWindowContainer that never received QEvent::FocusIn which I assumed was a prob...