Hierarchy - UI improvement
This time light topic of UI designing :] But before this let's discuss how the hierarchy in the engine works. So it was easier to understand these, let's look at the tooling of it: We have there: World (ID:0) Loaded Stream (Citadel Island) Loaded SubStream (CI.Citadel) Unloaded SubStream (CI.Logic) Folders (f.ex. Park) Entities (f.ex. Ferry) If you are curious what a Stream is, you can think about it as a scene or a level. Now that we know all of this let's look a little bit closer at what we have. Streams and SubStreams are exactly the same I change the name based on their position in the hierarchy. The Folders may look different than Entities but they are exactly the same. They are Entities with a folder component. If we go this way streams are also just Entities with a Stream Component. This leaves us with a bunch of the entities under the World . Which as you can suspect is just an Entity with ID equal to 0....