So like always start with problem description: I have some pool of command represented as enumerator. Each of command can have unique data that size can be different. I wanted to create system that allow me in easy way iterate over them and execute. After some time I created this implementation: template<ECommands::enum cmd> bool execCommandTemp(ECommands::ENUM a_cmd, void* a_data) { if (a_cmd == cmd) { SCommand<cmd>::execute((SCommand ::SData*)a_data); return false; } return execCommandTemp<(ECommands::ENUM)(cmd+1)>(a_cmd, a_data); } template<> bool execCommandTemp<ECommands::WRAP>(ECommands::ENUM a_cmd, void* a_data) { return true; } bool execCommand( ECommands::ENUM a_cmd, void* a_data ) { return execCommandTemp<(ECommands::ENUM)0>(a_cmd, a_data); } where SCommand look in example such a way: template <> struct
If you try to find answer what good/bad code is, you won't find it in this post. I don't try to sell my beliefs and I'm sure you wouldn't like them anyway. To show you that, check this simple pieces of code: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CAnimationResource :: release ( void ) { SAFE_DELETE ( m_privateData ); } I use void when function don't use any arguments. I know this useless and do nothing but I just like look of it (Personal preference). Other example: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAnimationResource :: CAnimationResource ( const wrResourceID & a_id , IResourceManager * a_manager ) : CResource ( a_id ) , m_manager ( a_manager ) { } I using prefix a_ for arguments of functions and use this style of organizing initialization in constructors. This is my way of coding. You probably have your own style this is perfectly fin
Time is something funny we don't notice when but it pass by so quickly. Few months ago I announced release of this pre-alpha build. Then it was so far away right now only a little bit more then month left. You probably wondering what changed in this time. So below you will find some summary of biggest changes (from my point of view): Component base architecture Decision on big changes in engine architecture aren't easy. I think that transition from class base approach which looked like that : class CGameObject class CModelObject : public CGameObject class CPuppetObject : public CModelObject class CChcaracterObject: public CPuppetObject to component base ( like in Unity 3D ) was one of the biggest and most problematic changes that I done in White Rabbit Engine in last years. I needed to change a lot of code, don't break the game that I have and in the same time change my approach to resolving problems. Level Editor : New components system. Right now tr
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