Source code experience
Not so long ago I was though about how the code gains its own "experience" over time, You could also refer to this process as „leveling up” mechanics featured in most of RPG games. At first this may sound irrational , but I believe that it's a very common phenomenon and most developers, experienced it at last once during their programming adventure (of course I cannot be sure). It is possible to go even further, and compare code writing to a RPG game character building and its developement. Your code when you design it is simple, have functionality that you know that are need or you think that they will be need. It's is like creating characters in some RPG games you decide on gender, class, look and some basics parameters. In this point we programmers decide about path that we want to follow with this piece of code and this decision will influence everything later. Of course hardly ever first decisions are 100% correct. With gaining experience we learn ho...