
Showing posts from 2011

W.U. 0x0B: game designer.

Wednesday came fast as always :] As I wrote I toke some break because everybody need some vacation so there is nothing interest to write about development progress. But I will try to recompense this with short text about about designing games. Of course everything in this text is my observation that came from my experience or talks with other people. So you may disagree with them.

W.U. 0x0A

In this week I taken some kind of break :] you know Christmas coming so I has walking in shops to buy presents. The only things that I achieved in project is some changes in matrix because I done some stupid things there earlier.  My free time I spend on finishing "Shadow Of Colossus" on PS3 and all parts of "The Blackwell" series on PC. I specially bought bundle in for it. When I saw the trailer for it I decided to bought bundle (I'm not interested in other games in it) but when I done it I only thought that "The Blackwell" could be good.  On the end it happened that I began playing around 10 PM and ending the game around 2-3 AM. And so on 4 days in row :] And I never had regreted that I spend so much time on them they are great :] I can say that from now on I'm big fun of it and waiting for 5th part :]  Returning to LBA project I think that I will take break in this week too :] and on end  Merry Chris

W.U. 0x09: few words about engine

This time I want to write my few thoughts about engine developing. I know that there 1000 of ways how to write engines and games. And I don't want to be like some master of programming because I know that I'm more like disciple or even worse :] As you read in earlier posts my engine develop in weird way, because it begun as 2D engine and evolve in small 3D engine with small amount of features. I know that this could sound somehow weird but it's a truth: right now I don't have anything exceptional in it only basics elements. And I'm proud of this.

W.U. 0x08

Like I wrote in last week I asked for permission to continue work on remake. I done it to don't have any problem with copyright, licensing and things like that in future when project will be in advanced state of production (almost finished one island that was planed). And here came this day when I get replay message from Fred Raynal and waiting was worth it because I got official permission so I can at last return to doing things in normal way. Till now I was focusing on prison map and I was waiting with other locations on this message and here I recived it so :] only thing thing that left is returning to work :] So to hear in next week :]

W.U 0x07

Yesterday I wrote about finishing LBA and beginning of other projects. And I didn't joke about it. I was always saying that I will finish first island with full plot but right now even that is not sure. Fred Raynal on forum wrote such a post: . On Friday I wrote to him PM about approval for remake that I planed (one island) so it would be not any problem with this remake later. I understand their position as developer and thats why I asked directly. I still waiting for replay but I'm mentally prepare to closing project earlier than I planed. Of course I don't plan to throw everything away, but only to shrink this remake to only prison and release it as some kind of lba fan-made demo. Bellow I put some progress from last two weeks :]


In last month I have very often pleasant to do some refactoring of some things that are in code but I didn't had earlier need to do in them anything. And like always I found comments and fragment of code from almost every project that I done in last 2-3 years on white rabbit engine, with names of the project in them i.e my gameplay class of lba had such a comment before it:  /**     @brief Gameplay module of tank  */  It's pretty funny how this small piece of code gives happiness when you remember how you work on this small projects. Maybe time to finish LBA and start something else  .... ups spoiler about tomorrow:]

W.U. 0x06

So next week came and I think about form of all next week updates. Right now I'm not sure are they interesting or even if anybody read them. I know that everybody wait for next movies, screens and things like that but I think that too much of them would destroy all fun of waiting for next bigger update. So I would like to ask question: What form of week updates would be most interest for you? After this short begin post will return to actual form. In this week came another Bundle this time  The Humble Introversion Bundle . Of course I have it but it's hard for me to find time to play. I'm very busy with all works on L.B.A. This week task list extended by dozen of bugs and almost the same number disappeared from there, right now project return to state from before switch on deferred shading or is even further. There are some cool stuff but you need to wait for them some more. After this all weeks next will be probably the same as this so bug fixing and adding new featu

W.U. 0x05 + L.B.A Remake: preview 9

And here come this day when I should as I wrote in last week update put new preview of lba remake. And of course I have :] it's below this post. I don't think that it's possible to visualize in movie all changes that happened from last preview but I done my best to put everything I have there. :)

W.U. 0x04 ++

And next week came. I think that if nothing change releasing in next week preview movie is realistic plan :] So this week I started as planed on some lighter problems. But in the end I faced with many annoying situation and started to work on things that were problematic to fix. But most of them is behind me end now before me work on some gameplay elements.  In next week as I said before I will post new preview. Plan is like this:  Wednesday new movie will be put on You Tube and here on blog (where I will put some hi resolution screenshots too) and later on Saturday/Sunday as normal I will put this stuff on , and .  This time I will not end this post like that :] Here is some small digression: I often watch other indie projects and many of them look really great. You watch their screens/videos/demos an sometimes think: What am I doing :| their project grow so much from last update.  They p

W.U. 0x03

I just wrote last week update and here come another :] , How this time passes quickly.  This week I spend mostly on fixes in work from weeks before. I recovered almost all base functionality of game and editor. This wasn't easy but was worth it :] right now it's look like performance return on acceptable level, everything in code has more clear structure and it's easier to use. What else ... hmm... right now I started to reexporting models to new format and step by step recovering locations. I thought about posting some screenshot's from how it look right now but after moment of thinking I decided to wait for about two weeks when everything will take some more interesting form. Maybe I will try make then some video how this everything looks in move. On the end of course like always what I plan do to next wednesday.  I think that on this week I will take something easier than before because I'm pretty tired after last two weeks. So I will probably st

W.U. 0x02

I think that this week I finished with good results. I done almost everything what I planned. Materials are finished, geometry buffers upgraded and I think that everything going in good direction because I don't plan any bigger changes for engine in nearest time. I will only add elements that are necessarily to development of game of course there still left some things that I want to change in engine but they will need to wait to the final state of project or begining of other :] So, what I plan on coming week? I plan to spend some time on modeling and of course writing game and fixing errors that will show in meantime :] Bugs are always worth of removing.

W.U. 0x01

This week is under sign of traveling and big changes in materials. In weekend I had visited Toru艅 and Bydgoszcz where I meet great people. Other days I spend on changing material system. I try to do some cleanups and optimization: flattening the structure of inheriting, create separate configuration of material for shadow casting and some upgrade of managing material. In the same time I try to separate cg from material system. In the end I think that I opened Pandora Box and It will take some time before I close it again. So plan on next week is to finish changes in material, some small changes in geometry buffers and recover everything (editor, tools, and game) so I could step by step return to working on game.

W.U. 0x00

I will begin from today the series of post in which I will write what I had done in game in each week. So short what changed in this week.: This week is next long week with optimization. After switching on deferred shading my performance is lower then before. On my computer in work I still have over 120 fps but this is not the computer that is my target it is just too good. To show difference on my personal computer I have right now around 40 fps.  To say sincerely I'm not satisfied with it. Of course I could always say I will do optimization on the end but I'm not follower of this idea. Waiting with big optimization till the last moment is the worst way of doing things. You have created assets, exported them to game, created game logic and almost everything is ready. But on the end you need to change them because you done changes in model format or engine interface to gain better performance. Other things that I started to do are changes in models. Right now I&

L.B.A. Remake is (un)dead.

This time I have some good and bad news, I will begin from good and bad I will left for the end, that way will be better.

Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle

And time came when another  humble indie bundle  show. This time Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle, have only one game but if you pay more then average then you will get Humble Frozenbyte Bundle. I personally didn't play in any of games in this pack because in this week I didn't had time. But for sure I will play in weekend :]

LBA Remake update

This time some big update about LBA remake. Bellow you will find assets on which I worked when there were no posts :]  I think that you should like them too I spend long time to create them the way there are.

Legends of Grimrock

Today on IndeDB I found post about  " Legends of Grimrock"  and as in most case I don't write post about projects that I found on internet this time I will do exception because I think that this game is worth it :]


This time I will talk about some tips about how to create assets to games. I will focus mostly on models and the way I done them.

Humble Indie Bundle #3 ..

For people that didn't buy or bought already HIB#3 right now have not 5 but 6 games in pack + bonus. For people that already bought HIB#3 on download page show link to 6th game. More info on:


Few day ago I bought netbook with ATI Radeon graphic card. Before I always used cards from Nvidia and Intel. After day of installing tools to programming and profiling I ran for test L.B.A. Remake. And of course it didn't work. But after removing CUDA support that I needed to my thesis work, it started without problems. But when app started i saw other problem: There were some weird stuff on my screen, they didn't look like they should. After two days of searching reason behind it I found that: Nvidia allow more then it should. - I had invalid code (I probably write it very late in night because it was so stupid and when I saw it I thought how I could wrote it :] ). Code for each type of input to shaders (position, normals, texcoord0, ...) set glBufferData with size of all inputs and  data set to NULL. On NVIDIA worked fine on ATI not. NVIDIA and ATI have different bindings of Inputs - POSITION is always ATTR0 but other not. On end I decided on using in shaders defines wit

Why there is no next preview of LBA

I thought about adding new preview from around two weeks. I had very evil plan to create from it some kind of parody what I don't want to do. But I endure this thoughts and in final create it in somehow normal way. But get to the point. What is happening ? Is project still exist is it grow ? And answers are yes and yes. Project is growing well but probably not the way that could be topic of full preview. Because how to show that I fixed system of object managing or extended mechanic of engine ? There is no way that I can do that. Of course I could do like some other projects (how I hate post like that): I could create on fast some sketch and put very detailed information what I will do in final release. I will write it but in some next post I probably would wrote other things about how this all would look. But who care ? I wrote my vision that changed in a  few weeks. But where project ? I could make other movie about models I created but how long I can do that ? For each m

The Humble Indie Bundle #3

This time short post for people that didn't know (like I) that run 3rd edition of action Humble Indie Bundle. Where you can get 5 Indie titles and in the same time support some charity foundations. More info on:

How this all works: Part 3

This time some more details about architecture of engine. First thing that I need to mention W.R.E. is not engine for L.B.A. project, I create tools that will be use in next productions. Because of that I take some decision that make it's structure more complicated but in the same time more flexible. In this moment W.R.E. is based on four modules: But as you see there is five elements :] Why ? Exe is only wrapper to game dll and do nothing else so I don't count it as module. Ok, so from begin: W.R.E. - Is main part of engine it's managing window, taking care of rendering, physic, sounds, file, materials and things like that.  Game Engine - It's the frame of game. Contain all templates for objects i.e. Models, Characters, Action objects. Other important function of this module is editor functionality. Editor GUI - It's interface of editor based on Qt. It's mostly call function that are inside Game Engine. Game - This is DLL so it could be simple connected

How all this works: Part 2

In last post I wrote about how all this started. In this post I try to focus more on games and way of work on them. Lba is not my first game I played. But it have very special place in my memory. I tried to finish it at last twice. At first I think that I was to young to understand this game. But second time I was in haven when I played it. And from long ago I thought about remake, there was "Lba Remake" now is "Little Script Adventure" and there was and will be many other groups that try to create remake of this game. But I think that way of how they do it is somehow wrong. So I decided to create my own remake. I started to write games more than 11 years ago. This is one of many projects that I was developing in this time. On begin everything look quiet simple: you have some libraries and game and this is enough. What you need else to write "Noughts and Crosses", "Tetris" or simply plane on scrolling map (from right to left). But as time pas

How this all works: Part 1

This post will be beginning of series of posts about how L.B.A. remake is made. So lets starts with first part where I will try to talk about development of technology I use. Game is based on home made engine w.r.e. that use OpenGL as rendering environment. In this moment everything is controlled by shaders wrote in Cg.  But not always was this way, I started to write this engine five years ago on begin of study. In that time this was a merely 2D isometric game written in pure SDL. It was written on one of subjects and when I think about this now, earlier I wrote 10x better games. But it's was finished and from this everything starts.  Some time later after talk with friend which is very good graphic we decided to create 2D game. We based it on modified code of earlier production but this wasn't enough. Pure SDL is too slow so we switch to OpenGL. This was big step because engine from simply software 2D engine changed to fast 2D engine with support of some 3D objects. But c

L.B.A Remake: preview 8

And time came when preview 8 is published. After a little break from publishing previews, new video show changes that I done to Citadela Island. Almost all models in this location were changed, I decided on this design after experiments with different styles. I think that it's pretty good so I don't plan to make bigger changes in most of things that are inside this video. In this moment from things connected to graphics I still fight with lighting parameters to create climat from orginal game, so this bright colors are only temporary. But I dont plan to do to much with this becasue probably everything change after I create render system with good support of shadows. What can I say more, there are no bigger changes in game mechanics because in last few weeks I mostly concentrate on engine, tools development and of course fixing of bugs. So then  like allways, have a nice watch :]

Game developers in Poland

Today I found interesting post on web page of Adama Sawickiwego : It's pretty short but it's show everything about polish developers. We have very talented game programmers from Poland that work around the world. But we don't have enough of them. Most programmer that you meet on of web about gamedev work already in game industry or don't have experience that is need to do game on actual AAA level. For some main problem in project development is that character head is to small or too big, or color of socks of main character is yellow not black. Which I think is stupid because in most situation the game looks like this: 2D character that sprite on screen have 64x64 pixels, moving in some work in progress environment (without any interaction). Of course to show this character they show 5x bigger picture and talk about it's look. So I agree with this post and article that l

L.B.A. Remake preview 8 delayed again

This week there will be no presentation either. I decided that the changes that are made in visual side of game are too small. If I would show the actual state you would probably see almost the same scenery that you see last time (plus 5 models from which 3 are placeholder) so I think that don't have sens. In last weeks I mostly focusing on learning to school and working. Things that I done in application and are connected to lba is optimalization of rendering. Now on my computer with GF210 I have around 200 FPS in prison location. And I think that I can get even better results :] other things that were developed are debugging and statistics tools. In normal circumstances I would do all that things later but right now I must do this to my thesis work which first version I must finish in next week. So I don't have too much free time to do other stuff.

L.B.A Remake - developer diary 1

This time some words about why I decide to create lba remake game alone. Most people don't believe that this is possible because bigger group tried and failed in this. But reality is pretty different, in almost all groups that I was in my programmer career there was one problem the more people worked on project the progress goes slower and slower. The same things I heard from friends which participated in other groups. When not commercial project is developed by 2-3 people then each of them create equal amount of content for it. But if there are 10 members in group. Then there is big probability that one maybe two persons create most of content and other members do nothing or do almost  nothing. This is sad reality of such projects. One reason is that groups looking for people that want to participate in developing. Very often they find people that want to create game but don't have enough experience or time. So when I decided to create L.B.A. remake I wanted to avoid all m

LBA Preview. 7

No wi臋c jako艣 uda艂o mi si臋 prze偶y膰 te ostatnie tygodnie (sam nie wiem jeszcze jak). No ale by艂o min臋艂o nawet troch臋 ostatnimi dniami odpoczywa艂em wi臋c i si艂 wi臋cej b臋dzie na kolejne tygodnie a one te偶 si臋 zbyt kolorowo nie zapowiadaj膮. Co do post臋p贸w prac to pewnie cz臋艣膰 os贸b my艣la艂a, 偶e projekt umar艂. Podej艣cie takie w pewien spos贸b rozumie bo wiele jest takich projekt贸w kt贸re w艂a艣nie w taki spos贸b znikaj膮. Pojawia si臋 post o chwilowym zawieszeniu prac i projekty znika na wieki w ciemnej otch艂ani internetu. No ale wbrew pozorom projekt ci膮gle si臋 rozwija co zreszt膮 mo偶ecie sami oceni膰 w ju偶 7 ods艂onie post臋p贸w prac. A ona w艂a艣nie ujrza艂a 艣wiat艂o dzienne. Niestety przez jaki艣 czas b臋d臋 zmuszony przej艣膰 na co trzytygodniowy cykl publikowania "preview'贸w".  Bo mam troch臋 innych spraw na g艂owie a j膮 mam niestety ci膮gle tylko jedn膮. Dobra nie przeci膮gam ju偶 d艂u偶ej :] Mi艂ego ogl膮dania :]

Gdzie si臋 podzia艂 LBA: preview 7 ?

Tym razem post w dw贸ch wersjach j臋zykowych :] No wi臋c niestety z powodu nawa艂u obowi膮zk贸w w pracy i na uczelnie troch臋 nie wyrabiam ze wszystkim. Dlatego musz臋 na jaki艣 czas wstrzyma膰 prace nad gr膮 i skupi膰 si臋 bardziej nad rzeczami bezpo艣rednio powi膮zanymi z moj膮 prac膮 magistersk膮. Dlatego kolejna ods艂ona post臋p贸w pojawi si臋 najwcze艣niej za 2-3 tygodnie. Ale obiecuj臋, 偶e czekanie si臋 op艂aci bo lista rzeczy kt贸re planuj臋 wykona膰 do tej prezentacji jest ca艂kiem d艂uga :] * * * This time post in two language :] Because of work with job and my study I don't have to much time to do other things. So I need temporary stop work on game and focus more on things directly connected with my thesis work. Because of that next show of project will be released in 2-3 weeks from today. But I guaranty that this waiting will be worth of it, because list of things that I plan to do for this preview is pretty long  :]

Tworzenie gier part 1

No i kolejny post z ci膮gu "jak si臋 obecnie tworzy gry". Od czasu do czasu zdarza mi si臋 poprzegl膮da膰 co tam za gry s膮 tworzone przez indie developer贸w. Od jakiego艣 czasu 艣ledz臋 projekt : kt贸ry wydaje mi si臋 naprawd臋 solidn膮 pozycj膮. Czy tak b臋dzie czas poka偶e. Trafi艂em te偶 na naprawd臋 fajn膮 gierk臋 (polecam zagra膰, jest darmowa): Trafiaj膮 si臋 te偶 pozycje przeci臋tne i niestety trafiam te偶 na pozycje kt贸re bym wola艂 zapomnie膰. Gdy偶 pr贸ba zagrania w te gry potrafi艂a przyprawi膰 o ob艂臋d. Wi臋c nic si臋 tutaj nie zmienia tak jak niestety w sposobie pisania gier. I tutaj  przejd臋 do sedna posta i rzeczy kt贸ra mnie przera偶a bardzo. Mam komputer stacjonarny mo偶e nie najnowszy ale fallout 3 spokojnie chodzi wi臋c nie jest 藕le. Odpalam prost膮 gr臋 indie i okazuje si臋, 偶e ten komputer nie daje ju偶 rady. Gra dzia艂a na OpenGL wydajno艣膰 5 klatek g贸ra :| Pierwsza my艣l kt贸ra si臋 nasuwa "what the fu..

Little Big Adventure: Preview 6

Tym razem wysz艂a troch臋 d艂u偶sza prezentacja ale wydaje mi si臋, 偶e nie powinno wam si臋 nudzi膰 ogl膮daj膮c ja :] wi臋c nie b臋d臋 ju偶 przeci膮ga膰 oto pokaz nr. 6 :

Little Big Adventure

No wi臋c na koniec dnia ma艂a aktualizacja projektu. Tym razem mo偶e troch臋 mniej zmian ni偶 ostatnio ale poza graficzn膮 stron膮 projektu zmieni艂o si臋 bardzo wiele :] co dobrze wr贸偶y na przysz艂o艣膰. Wi臋c jak wida膰 projekt ci膮gle si臋 rozwija.

Troch臋 o tworzeniu gier

Ostatnimi czasy mia艂em okazj臋 poprzegl膮da膰 troch臋 produkcji na i zauwa偶am pewn膮 tendencje. Wi臋kszo艣膰 produkcji korzysta z UDK i nie m贸wi臋 tutaj o jakich艣 wi臋kszych produkcjach ale cz臋sto nawet ma艂e gry z niego korzystaj膮. I co w tym z艂ego pewnie si臋 zapytacie, silnik z g贸rnej p贸艂ki za darmo (do niekomercyjnych zastosowa艅) wi臋c czemu nie skorzysta膰. No wi臋c przytocz臋 tutaj bardzo fajny post na blogu  a mianowicie  (Polecam przeczyta膰 r贸wnie偶 komentarze). No ale do czego zmierzam post ten ma ju偶 blisko 4 lata a mentalno艣膰 tw贸rc贸w gier ci膮gle si臋 nie zmienia. Teraz do UDK ma dost臋p ka偶dy 艣miertelnik i mam wra偶enie, 偶e du偶a cz臋艣膰 z tych 艣miertelnik贸w uwa偶a, 偶e tworz膮c gr臋 na tym silniku ich gra b臋dzie lepsza, fajniejsza i uda im si臋 j膮 na pewno zrobi膰. Niestety rzeczywisto艣膰 jest troch臋 inna ludzie kt贸rzy my艣l膮, 偶e silnik za艂atwi za nich tworzenie gry s膮 w b艂臋dzi

L.B.A Remake: preview 4

No wi臋c nowy miesi膮c i oto filmik pokazuj膮cy zmiany z ostatniego miesi膮ca, tym razem w zmieni艂o si臋 do艣膰 znacznie zarz膮dzanie geometri膮.  Wcze艣niej mia艂em sytuacj臋 gdy lokacja sk艂ada艂a si臋 z obiekt贸w aktualnie przeszed艂em na system grup. Lokacja jest grup膮 zawieraj膮c膮 obiekty oraz inne grupy. Dzi臋ki czemu o wiele 艂atwiej b臋dzie mo偶na p贸藕niej zarz膮dza膰 np.budynkami.  Kolejna du偶a zmiana to sterowanie w edytorze, przerobi艂em przesuwanie obiekt贸w gdy偶 stare by艂o ma艂o dok艂adne. Aktualnie wszystko 艣miga jak nale偶y.  Dosz艂o te偶 wiele wst臋pnych modeli kt贸re maj膮 stworzy膰 obraz jak b臋dzie wygl膮da膰 rozmieszczenie obiekt贸w na lokacji. Pojawi艂a si臋 te偶 bardzo prosta woda.

Troch臋 o tym co zrobi艂em i co planuj臋.

No wi臋c mija kolejny pracowity tydzie艅. Troch臋 czasu na wszystko brakuje no i dlatego troch臋 mniej jakich艣 bardziej widocznych zmian. A co si臋 zmieni艂o:  Dosz艂y nowe animacje/czynno艣ci postaci. Dopracowa艂em troch臋 fizyk臋, oraz poczyni艂em do艣膰 spore zmiany je艣li chodzi o wy艣wietlanie grafiki. Aktualnie pracuj臋 nad uzyskaniem jak najwi臋ksz膮 zgodno艣膰 z nowym standardem OpenGL. Czyli m贸wi膮c prosto pozbywam si臋 ca艂ego forward renderingu. Powoduje to wiele zmian, materia艂y sta艂y si臋 teraz podstaw膮 funkcjonowania ca艂ego silnika. Musia艂em przebudowa膰 system rysowania geometrii pomocniczej gdy偶 stary system do艣膰 mocno zamula艂 ca艂o艣膰. Wizualizacje fizyki i obiekt贸w 艣migaj膮 teraz, a偶 mi艂o :]  No i co mnie jeszcze czeka: przebudowa font贸w, wsparcie do dynamicznych obiekt贸w np. system贸w cz膮steczkowych. Stworzenie jakiego艣 sensowniejszego sposobu na wy艣wietlanie geometrii. Gdy偶 na chwil臋 obecn膮 mam wra偶enie 偶e, posiadam jeszcze zbyt ma艂膮 kontrol臋 nad tym wszystkim. Czekaj膮 mnie te偶 troch臋 mniej

L.B.A Remake: preview 2

艢wi臋ta, 艣wi臋ta i po 艣wi臋tach zawita艂 ju偶 nawet nowy rok. I tak wprzerwie 艣wi膮tecznej si臋: obija艂em. Z gry powsta艂o niewiele zmieni艂 sie za to edytor. W ostatnim czasie wprowadzi艂em par臋 poprawek kt贸re od dawna chcia艂em wprowadzi膰. Pojawio si臋 w ko艅cu normalne dodawanie obiekt贸w, teraz mam ju偶 podgl膮d gdzie mam wstawia膰 nowo dodany obiekt mo偶liwe te偶 jest anulowanie tej operacji. Zmieni艂 si臋 spos贸b obs艂ugi fizyki dzi臋ki czemu obiekty nie musz膮 ju偶 by膰 tylko boksami. Og贸lnie zmian jest du偶o ale w praktyce wszystkich nie pami臋tam. Zmieni艂a si臋 te偶 lokacja na kt贸rej gr臋 testuj臋. Zaczyna ona przypomina膰 coraz bardziej gr臋. Poni偶ej znajdziecie pokaz z nowej wersji gry. Mam nadziej臋, 偶e zmiany si臋 spodobaj膮 :]